Other functions
Changing settings
This chart shows the settings for this unit. Change the settings to adapt your preferences and to adapt the unit to the environment in which it is
being used. These settings are retained in memory until they are changed, even if the unit is turned off. See page 29 for details on menu opera-
¡ Underlined items are the factory preset.
Tabs Items Options
Disc Audio ¡ English ¡ French ¡ Spanish ¡ Original ¡ Other
Choose the preferred audio language. Original:
The original language of each disc will be selected.
: Input a code number with the numbered
buttons (A page 30).
Subtitle ¡
Automatic ¡ English ¡ French ¡ Spanish ¡ Other
Choose the preferred subtitle language. Automatic: If the language selected for “Audio” is not
available, subtitles of that language will
automatically appear if available on that disc.
Menus ¡
English ¡ French ¡ Spanish ¡ Other
Choose the preferred language for disc menus. ¡Changing the menu language from QUICK SETUP also changes
this setting.
Ratings (A page 29) Setting ratings (When level 8 is selected)
Set a ratings level to limit DVD-Video play. ¡
8 No Limit: All DVD-Video can be played.
¡ The password screen is shown if you choose levels 0 to 7 ¡ 1 to 7: Prohibits play of DVD-Video with corresponding
or if you choose “Ratings” when levels 0 to 7 have been ratings recorded on them.
selected. ¡0 Lock All: Prohibits play of all DVD-Video.
¡ Select “Level 0” to prevent play of discs that do not have
Changing ratings (When level 0–7 is selected)
ratings levels recorded on them. ¡ Unlock Player ¡ Change Level
¡ Change Password ¡ Temporary Unlock
Video TV Aspect (A page 9) ¡
4:3 Pan&Scan ¡ 4:3 Letterbox ¡ 16:9
Choose the setting to suit your television and preference.
TV Type (A page 9) ¡
Standard (Direct View TV)
Select to suit the type of television. ¡ CRT Projector ¡ LCD TV/Projector
¡ Projection TV ¡ Plasma TV
Time Delay ¡
0ms ¡ 20ms ¡ 40ms ¡ 60ms ¡ 80ms ¡ 100ms
When connected with a Plasma display, adjust if you notice
the audio is out of sync with the video.
Still Mode ¡
Automatic ¡ Field ¡ Frame
Specify the type of picture shown when paused.
Black Level Control ¡
Lighter: when connected to a TV through the VIDEO OUT or
Change the black level of the picture if you connected a S-VIDEO OUT terminal.
television through the COMPONENT VIDEO OUT ¡ Darker: when connected to a TV through the COMPONENT
terminals. VIDEO OUT (Y/PB/PR) terminals.
Audio Dynamic Range Compression (Dolby Digital only) ¡
Change the dynamic range for late night viewing. ¡ On: Adjusts for clarity even when the volume is low through
compressing the range of the lowest sound level and the
highest sound level.
Audio during Search ¡
On ¡ Off
Choose whether to have sound during search. This feature doesn’t work for some discs.
Speaker Setting (A page 29) Multi-channel
Set the delay time for your center and surround speakers. Center:
0.0/1.0/2.0/3.0/4.0/5.0 ms
Surround (L/R): 0.0/5.0/10.0/15.0 ms
Display Menu Language ¡
English ¡ Français ¡ Español
Choose the preferred language for these menus and the
on-screen messages.
On-Screen Messages ¡
On ¡ Off
Choose whether to show on-screen messages or not.
Others FL Dimmer ¡
Bright ¡ Dim
Changes the brightness of the unit’s display. ¡ Auto: The display is dimmed during play, but brightens when
you perform some operations.
HighMAT ¡
Enable: Play HighMAT discs as HighMAT discs.
Play HighMAT discs as HighMAT discs, or as regular WMA/ ¡ Disable: Play HighMAT discs as regular WMA/MP3/JPEG discs.
MP3/JPEG discs.
QUICK SETUP (A page 9) ¡
Answer questions to adjust basic settings. ¡ No
Re-initialize Setting ¡ Yes
This returns all values in the Setup menus to the default The password screen is shown if “Ratings” (A page 29) are set.
settings. Please enter the same password.
Turn the unit off and on again.
The QUICK SETUP enables successive settings of the items in
the shaded areas.
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