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Superior Pictures
ULTRA-FAST RESPONSE As VIERA Plasma panels are more effi cient than conventional TVs,
you can enjoy an ultra-fast response time of only 0.001 millisecond, which is a thousand times faster
than other technologies. Thanks to the built-in Game Mode you can enjoy latest exciting games such as
the newest action adventure hit “Mirror’s Edge” by Electronic Arts on a VIERA Plasma TV.
PURE BLACK AND BRIGHT WHITE VIERA NeoPDP achieves an outstanding dynamic
contrast ratio of over 2 Million:1 to deliver the deepest black ever. This is especially important to
accurately convey even subtle differences in the blackness level. In the VIERA LCD lineup,
Intelligent Scene Controller adjusts the backlight brightness according to the displayed scenes to
achieve a high contrast level.
WIDE VIEWING ANGLE Whether you opt for a VIERA Plasma or LCD TV, you’re ensured
excellent viewing from almost any angle. Because Plasma panels are self-illuminating, images
look beautiful no matter where you sit – with rich blacks and crisp colours. The wide 178°
viewing angle with LCD models is thanks to the latest generation of IPS Alpha Panels – so you have
a great picture whether relaxing on your sofa or in your favourite armchair.
© 2008 EA Digital Illusions CE AB. Mirror’s Edge and the DICE logo are trademarks or registered trademarks of EA Digital Illusions CE AB. All Rights Reserved. EA and the EA logo are trademarks or registered trademarks of Electronic Arts Inc. in the U.S.
and/or other countries. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners.
The special Game Mode with all VIERA televisions
renders ‘ghost shadows’ a thing of the past when
playing your favourite games on the large screen TV.