■ PPP (Point to Point Protocol) Type Connection
● Access from a Client PC to the WJ-NT104
• Direct connection to the WJ-NT104
In this configuration, a client PC accesses the WJ-NT104 via a public line using PPP (Point to Point Protocol). With PPP
MODE in the NETWORK SETUP dialog box set to P to P ACCESS, the WJ-NT104 can be accessed by a PC running
Windows95, for example.
Camera (max. 4)
● Access from the WJ-NT104 to a Client PC
Set the telephone number, user name, password, etc. of the client PC in the WJ-NT104.
In this configuration, the WJ-NT104 calls the registered destination and accesses it using PPP (Point to Point Protocol)
when an alarm input is received.
DB9 DB25
1 ..................... 8
2 ..................... 3
3 ..................... 2
4 .................... 20
5 ..................... 7
6 ..................... 6
7 ..................... 4
8 ..................... 5
9 .................... 22
1 ...................... 1
2 ...................... 2
3 ...................... 3
4 ...................... 4
5 ...................... 5
6 ...................... 6
7 ...................... 7
8 ...................... 8
9 ...................... 9
• Connection via a dial-up server (or a router)
Set an WJ-NT104 telephone number and IP address in the dial-up server (or ISDN, POTS router) in advance. This configu-
ration enables the dial-up server to access the WJ-NT104 using PPP (Point to Point Protocol) when a PC specifies the set
address. With PPP MODE in the NETWORK SETUP dialog box set to NETWORK ACCESS, the WJ-NT104 can be
accessed by a PC running Windows95, for example.
router etc.
Camera (max. 4)
Camera (max. 4)