
Yellow, Cyan, Magenta hue (+/-50)
Adjusts the yellow/cyan/magenta hue between light, pastel and vivid.
Yellow, Cyan, Magenta saturation (+/-50)
Adjusts the difference of the yellow/cyan/magenta color against its own
Yellow, Cyan, Magenta luminance (+/-50)
Adjusts the luminance of red/green/blue/yellow/cyan/magenta areas.
Reset to defaults
Reset More detail adjustment to factory defaults settings.
Reset to defaults
Reset Color detail adjustment adjustments to factory defaults settings.
Gamma detail adjustment
Gamma correction. Adjusts the intermediate brightness of the image.
More detail adjustment
Adjusts more detailed Gamma items.
Input signal level
Adjusts the IRE picture level in relation to the gain of the red, green & blue
Adjusts the gain value of each Input signal level.
Reset to defaults
Reset all More detail adjustment to factory defaults settings.
Reset to defaults
Reset Gamma detail adjustment to factory defaults settings.
Yellow, Cyan, Magenta hue (+/-50)
Adjusts the yellow/cyan/magenta hue between light, pastel and vivid.
Yellow, Cyan, Magenta saturation (+/-50)
Adjusts the difference of the yellow/cyan/magenta color against its own
Yellow, Cyan, Magenta luminance (+/-50)
Adjusts the luminance of red/green/blue/yellow/cyan/magenta areas.
Reset to defaults
Reset More detail adjustment to factory defaults settings.
Yellow, Cyan, Magenta hue (+/-50)
Adjusts the yellow/cyan/magenta hue between light, pastel and vivid.
Yellow, Cyan, Magenta hue (+/-50)
Adjusts the yellow/cyan/magenta hue between light, pastel and vivid.
Yellow, Cyan, Magenta hue (+/-50)
Yellow, Cyan, Magenta saturation (+/-50)
Adjusts the difference of the yellow/cyan/magenta color against its own
Yellow, Cyan, Magenta saturation (+/-50)
Adjusts the difference of the yellow/cyan/magenta color against its own
Yellow, Cyan, Magenta saturation (+/-50)
Yellow, Cyan, Magenta luminance (+/-50)
Adjusts the luminance of red/green/blue/yellow/cyan/magenta areas.
Yellow, Cyan, Magenta luminance (+/-50)
Adjusts the luminance of red/green/blue/yellow/cyan/magenta areas.
Yellow, Cyan, Magenta luminance (+/-50)
Reset to defaults
Reset More detail adjustment to factory defaults settings.
Reset to defaults
Reset More detail adjustment to factory defaults settings.
Reset to defaults
More detail adjustmentMore detail adjustment
Reset to defaults
Reset Color detail adjustment adjustments to factory defaults settings.
Reset to defaults
Reset Color detail adjustment adjustments to factory defaults settings.
Reset to defaults
Color detail adjustmentColor detail adjustment
Gamma detail adjustmentGamma detail adjustmentGamma detail adjustment
Gamma correction. Adjusts the intermediate brightness of the image.
Gamma correction. Adjusts the intermediate brightness of the image.
More detail adjustment
Adjusts more detailed Gamma items.
More detail adjustment
Adjusts more detailed Gamma items.
More detail adjustment
Input signal level
Adjusts the IRE picture level in relation to the gain of the red, green & blue
Adjusts the gain value of each Input signal level.
Reset to defaults
Reset all More detail adjustment to factory defaults settings.
Input signal level
Adjusts the IRE picture level in relation to the gain of the red, green & blue
Input signal level
Adjusts the IRE picture level in relation to the gain of the red, green & blue
Input signal level
Adjusts the gain value of each Input signal level.
Adjusts the gain value of each Input signal level.
Reset to defaults
Reset all More detail adjustment to factory defaults settings.
Reset to defaults
Reset all More detail adjustment to factory defaults settings.
Reset to defaults
More detail adjustmentMore detail adjustment
Reset to defaults
Reset Gamma detail adjustment to factory defaults settings.
Reset to defaults
Reset Gamma detail adjustment to factory defaults settings.
Reset to defaults
Gamma detail adjustmentGamma detail adjustment
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