X260.5 Owners Manual
The amplifier can be driven single-end or balanced, if driving the am-
plifier single-ended, leave the supplied jumper in place (between pins
1 & 3 on the XLR). Your amplifier will operate without the jumper in
place, but performance will be significantly diminished.
Now that the source component is connected, make sure there is no
signal coming from it, probably by turning the volume all the way
down. With the speakers connected, push the front panel button to
activate the amplifier. The “Power” LED will come on.
Do everybody a favor and try not to have shorted output cables. It
happens accidentally all the time, and the amplifier is designed to sur-
vive, mostly.
Of course it’s always possible that something could go wrong. If so,
don’t get excited, just relax. It’s really aggravating when something like
this doesn’t work, we understand, but it will get fixed. We go to a lot
of trouble to make products reliable, and the failure rate of our ampli-
fiers is very low. This is small comfort to the few, but take it easy and
give us a call if you have problems.
People are often interested in how long it takes for these amplifiers
to break in. Perhaps a more salient question is how long does it take
them to reach their sonic best after turn on. It takes about an hour for
them to fully warm up, and this is where we adjust them first. Then
we adjust them again and again over a couple of days, keeping the bias
and offset in the sweet spot. Our environment is about 23 degrees
Centigrade and the heat sinks will rise approximately 25 degrees C.
above that, for an average on heat sink temperature of 48 degrees C.
Sonically they are at their best when the heatsinks are approximately
50 degrees C.
In your setup the temperature may vary a bit due to line voltage varia-
tions and ventilation, but this is not a big deal. You should be able to
put your hands on the heat sinks without discomfort for 10 seconds
or so. It is normal for the heasink temperature to vary side-to-side and
front to back.
The amplifier has a thermal cutout that will disconnect AC power if
the temperature exceeds 75 degrees Centigrade. This should never
occur in real life.
More things to know
You can remotely operate the stand-by mode by applying 12 volts DC
to the single pair of binding post connectors on the rear of the ampli-
You are ready to play music