
The Model 2120 is initially configured via the serial interface using a
dumb terminal or terminal emulation software in VT-100 mode. The serial
interface factory default asynchronous setting is 9600 bits/second, 8 bits
per character, no parity, and 1 stop bit. All configuration parameters can
be set via the serial interface using the 2120's menu-driven command
system. Once initial configuration is complete with a static or dynami-
cally assigned IP address and the 2120 is connected to the LAN, config-
uration parameters can be modified, configuration parameters and
operational status can be viewed, and utilities can be performed over the
LAN using a Telnet session.
The Model 2120 can use DHCP (Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol)
to dynamically obtain the unit IP address over the LAN from a DHCP
server. The 2120 sends the DHCP server MAC address information and
dynamically obtains its IP address based on the unit MAC address. This
feature reduces the numbers of IP addresses on the network and mini-
mizes network administration.
Telnet/TCP operation provides an asynchronous device connected to the
Model 2120 serial interface with connectivity to a remote device/applica-
tion over the LAN. Asynchronous data received at the Model 2120 serial
interface is sent to the remote device using the Telnet/TCP protocol.
Asynchronous data received from the Telnet/TCP connection is sent to
the device connected to the Model 2120 serial interface. When the
remote device accessed over the LAN performs the same type of opera-
tion, an asynchronous connection is formed between the two devices.
Raw-TCP operation is identical to Telnet/TCP operation with one excep-
tion. The data passed between the 2120's serial interface and the
remote device/application is directly passed using TCP (Telnet is not
used). Aside from this one exception, Raw-TCP contains all the features
and functionality as Telnet/TCP.
PPP operation provides an asynchronous device connected to the Model
2120 serial interface with LAN connectivity. The Model 2120 and the
device connected to its serial interface exchange IP packets where each
IP packet is PPP encapsulated. The Model 2120 uses proxy ARP to pro-
vide the device connected to the serial interface with a virtual LAN con-
nection. The Model 2120 optionally provides PAP as a user
authentication protocol. PAP security can be used to validate a user try-
ing to establish a LAN connection from the device connected to the
Model 2120 serial interface. The Model 2120 IP address for PPP opera-
tions can be either configured statically or dynamically using a DHCP
server. Further, the PPP IP address may be obtained from the PPP cli-
ent device connected to the serial interface.