Number of parts = 1, cut multiple or print multiple = 1, print
quantity = 4, then four sets of one tag are printed (and cut
after each tag if using cut multiple).
Number of parts = 3, cut multiple = 2, print quantity = 2, then
two tags are printed and cut after the second tag is printed.
Number of parts = 3, print multiple = 2, print quantity = 2, then
four tags are printed as two sets of two tags.
Number of parts = 3, print multiple = 2, print quantity = 4, then
eight tags are printed as four sets of two tags.
The following graphic shows the relationship between the number
of parts, cut multiple, and print multiple.
Three-part tag
(number of parts = 3)
Cut here for a cut multiple of 1
(Cut after one tag) OR
Print multiple = 1 (Prints one tag
as a set)
Cut here for a cut multiple of 2
(Cut after two tags) OR
Print multiple = 2 (Prints two
tags as a set)
Printing 7-19