Data Formatting Failures
Formatting errors indicate that a field will print incorrectly. After
you have checked the data stream and corrected the data,
retransmit the format and batch.
For errors 571-622, the batch will still print,
but the field, font, bar code, or density may
be incomplete, missing or contain
incorrect data.
571 UPC or EAN bar code data length is invalid. The bar
code data length in the batch does not fit the format.
572 A copy field, padded field, or incrementing field length
is invalid. The field length in the batch does not fit the
format or the field contains blanks. Or, the fixed length
field does not contain the specified number of
573 Price field length is invalid. The price field length in the
batch does not fit the format or the field contains blanks.
574 No CD scheme or room for CD. The CD scheme in the
batch does not fit the format or the field contains blanks.
575 The graphic included in your format could not be found.
Resend the graphic packet. If the error persists, call
Technical Support.
600 The printer could not image the batch, because the
batch was refused. Call Technical Support.
601 An error occurred while imaging the batch. Resend the
format, batch, font, and/or any graphic packets. If the
error persists, call Technical Support.
603 The batch was not found while imaging. Resend the
batch packet. If the error persists, call Technical
Diagnostics and Errors