Command Parameter
Cancels all the batches in the queue.
Cancels only the current batch being printed.
^DD or
Disables the MPCL data escape character (the tilde) and inhibits MPCL
from acting on ANY data escape sequence from the host. Sets the MPCL
data escape character to the ASCII value given by the d parameter. The
value can be any ASCII character.
Aborts an error condition. May need to be sent multiple times. Use ^RB to
reprint batch.
CAUTION: Command causes the current batch to stop and the
condition that caused the error to remain uncorrected.
Resets the error. This command is the same as pressing FEED to
acknowledge an error. Normal operation will resume.
Feeds a label when printer is idle. Simulates the operation of pressing
FEED and dispenses the next label if printer is in the on-demand mode.
NOTE: Printer ignores this command if printing.
^ID or ^ICd
Disables the Immediate Command feature by turning off the Immediate
Command escape character. Sets the Immediate Command escape
character to the ASCII value given by the d parameter. The value can be
any ASCII character.
Returns the customer ID or RPQ version to the host. (00 to 99)
Returns the customer ID or RPQ revision level to the host. (00 to 99)
Returns the model number to the host. 12=9412, 13=9413, 14=9414
Returns the prototype number to the host. (00 to 99)
Returns the revision number to the host. (00 to 99)
Returns the version number to the host. (00 to 99)
Resets the printer. This command takes five seconds to complete and then
the printer is ready to receive data. It has the same effect as turning off
and then turning on the printer.
NOTE: Command should be used only when the printer is not printing.
Repeats the last printed batch, printing the same number of labels as
specified in the original batch.
NOTE: Printer ignores this command if printing.
This command does not work if batch separators are being used.
Resynchronizes supply when supply roll is changed.
NOTE: Printer ignores this command if printing.
^SD or
Disables the status polling feature by turning off the status polling control
character. Sets the status polling control character to the ASCII value
given by the d parameter. The value of d can be any ASCII character.
Prints a test label set. NOTE: Printer ignores this command if printing.
Configuring the Printer 3-23