The following syntax is the response for a Job 3 request.
{J,"Status1 A,B","Status2
"Status1 A,B" Status1 A contains the field number, in the
format or batch, where an error was found. If
the error is not in the format or batch, a "0" is
Status1 B contains an error number, which
represents the actual printer error. The error
numbers can be found in Chapter 9, "Errors."
2 is the field number where an error was found. 612 is the error
number, indicating that data is missing or does not match the
format definition for that field.
Error numbers found in Status1 B, always
have a value equal to or greater than 500.
These are considered very serious errors.
"Status2 A,B,C,D,E" contains the packet type, field type, field
number, parameter, and error number.
A- Packet Type
represents the MPCLII packet that the error
occurred on. The packet could be Format (F),
Batch (B), Check Digit (A), or Font (W).
B- Field Type
represents the MPCLII field that the error
occurred on. If the packet has no fields,
Status2 A will be replicated. If the error
occurs before the field is identified a question
mark is sent. Since the batch data is
variable, a D is sent to indicate data.
7-10 Status Polling