Creating and Printing Formats 3-11
The following tables explain how to switch from one subset to another and use
the functions.
Character Subset A Subset B Subset C
80 hex
Function 3 Function 3
81 hex
Function 2 Function 2
82 hex*
Shift Shift
83 hex
Switch to Subset C Switch to Subset C
84 hex
Switch to Subset B Function 4 Switch to Subset B
85 hex
Function 4 Switch to Subset A Switch to Subset A
86 hex
Function 1 Function 1 Function 1
* A temporary, one character shift to another subset.
The following table describes the purpose of each function (listed in the
previous table).
Function 1 Uses reserved Code 128 characters (UCC/EAN128).
Function 2
Appends data (subsets A and B only). The result is not
readable by all bar code scanners.
Function 3 Initializes a bar code scanner.
Function 4
Extends characters by adding 128 to the ASCII code. For
example, 'a' (97 decimal) is changed to 'β' (225 decimal) by
adding 128 to it. This function is unavailable in subset C.