
General Format Tips and Hints –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––
The following tips and hints are helpful to keep in mind when
designing MPCLII formats.
With Formats
If you want to modify your format fields, check digit
fields, and configuration commands, use the optional
entry method. This method enables you to reset only
the parameters you want to change. Commas act as
placeholders for unchanged parameters. The optional
entry method reduces file size and increases the speed
at which files are sent to the printer.
With Packets
Leave parameters blank that you do not need to
change when sending online configuration packets.
For example, {I,A,,,,1 p } prints a slashed zero and
uses the last sent online system setup parameters.
You can group fields with similar parameters. For example
T,1,10,V,250,50,1,1,1,1,B,C,0,0 p
T,2,15,,,75 p
T,3,,,,100 p
The first text field sets all the parameters for that field. The
second text field’s number of characters and column location
changes from what was defined in the first field. In the third
text field, only the column location is changed. This method
can be used on bar code and constant text fields as well.
You should understand the basics of each field before using
this method.
After you modify any fields or parameters with the optional
entry method, resend the format, batch, or configuration
packet to the printer.
Chapter 10. Printer Optimization