
1. Clearances for service and from combustible surfaces
are the same for the LCE as for the LC. The
following recommendations allow for reasonable
access to the boiler. Follow local codes and
requirements when setting actual layout. See
Figure 1.1.
a) For installing, removing and servicing the burner:
provide 48" between the front of the boiler and
any adjacent wall or other appliance.
b) For access to the top of the boiler for cleaning
flueways: provide 24" above top of jacket.
c) For accessing and servicing of level controls and
inspection tappings (if used): provide 24"
minimum from the right side of the boiler to any
wall or obstruction.
d) For installation of jacket: provide at least 12"
from the left side of the boiler to any wall or
obstruction. More clearance may be needed for
longer boilers unless the jacket is pre-assembled
before placing the boiler.
e) For installation and removal of tankless heaters:
provide 45" between the end of the boiler and
any adjacent wall of obstruction. [This provides
for all available tankless coils. The spacing can
be closer for Heater Number X-1020 (allow 30")
or Heater Number X-1021 (allow 35")].
The equipment must be installed in accordance with installation requirements of the authority having
jurisdiction or, in the absence of such requirements, to the current edition of the
National Fuel Gas Code
Z223.1/NFPA 54.
Where required by the authority having jurisdiction, the installation must conform to
American Society of
Mechanical Engineers Safety Code for Controls and Safety Devices for Automatically Fired Boilers,
Carefully read these instructions before beginning work. Understand all aspects of the installation. Contact your PB Heat’s sales
representative or customer service for help in answering questions.
This boiler must be installed by a qualified contractor. The boiler warranty can be voided if the boiler is not installed, maintained
and serviced correctly.
Figure 1.1: Clearance Requirements