6 GK310 Owner’s manual
The Performances
So far, you have learnt how to select single and combined Voices in Normal, Dual
and Split modes using several panel interventions. If, every time you want to create
a preferred sound combination, you have to take several steps to arrive at your goal,
you would ask yourself if there wasn’t a quicker way of selecting what you want. The
answer lies in the PERFORMANCES which offer a quick and simple method of re-
calling a panel situation at the touch of a single button.
A PERFORMANCE is simply a combination of voices and other panel settings (Voices,
Track Volumes, Style, Variation, Chord Recognition mode, Split Point, etc.). The
GK310 contains six Performances which recall factory-set panel configurations, but
you can memorize your own combinations using the STORE PERFORMANCE fea-
Selecting the Performances
1. Take a quick look at the display, then press one of PERFORMANCE buttons (P1
- P6); for example, press the [P1] button.
The display shows the situation recalled by the Performance.
If you were playing in NORMAL mode, after selecting the Performance you will
find that the keyboard will be split and the mode will have changed to either
Fingered or One Finger, to enable the Styles. You will also see a change of
Style number. Further ahead in the manual, you will learn how the Perform-
ances can be used for quick panel changes, including the Styles (see “The Styles”
on page 8).
2. Repeat the selections for all the other Performance buttons, observe the changes
in the display and play on the keyboard to listen to the change of voices.
Balancing the Lower and Upper sections
If you are playing in Normal mode with Voices on a Split keyboard, you may at some
stage want to adjust the volume of one section with respect to the other. Using the
[MIXER] Volume controls, you will be able to balance your Upper and Lower voices
to the levels required very easily.
The MIXER consists of 5 twin buttons organized in two rows. The top row of buttons
are [INCREASE VOLUME] controls while the bottom row are [DECREASE VOL-
UME] controls. When you are playing with voices only, voice balancing tasks re-
quire the use of the [UPPER] and [LOWER] controls only. The other three controls,
(Drums, Bass and Accomp), are explained under Styles on page 11.
To increase the volume of, the Upper section, for example, press the top [INCREASE
VOLUME] button and hold it down until you reach the Volume required. The display
shows the Volume level of the Upper section.
NOTE: The Performance/Pads buttons can also be
set to operate as DRUM PADS. See the PERCUS-
SION function on page 16.