88.. HHiigghh EEQQ CCoonnttrrooll ((TTrreebbllee))
This is an active equalization control that adjusts the high frequency. Clockwise rotation
boosts high frequencies and counter-clockwise rotation provides a cut in high frequencies
(±10 dB). EQ is flat at center detent.
99.. EEQQ BByyppaassss SSwwiittcchh
Selects the status of the EQ. When OUT the EQ controls are active. When IN the EQ
controls are inactive and the EQ is flat.
1100.. MMuuttee BBuuss IInnddiiccaattoorrss
The red LEDs indicate the status of each mute bus. Each LED lights when its appropriate
mute bus is activated.
1111.. MMaasstteerr LLeevveell CCoonnttrrooll
Controls the overall level of the system.
RReeaarr PPaanneell
1122.. AACC PPoowweerr RReecceeppttaaccllee
This receptacle is for the IEC line cord (included) that provides AC power to the unit.
Never break off the ground pin on any equipment. It is provided for your safety. If the
outlet used does not have a ground pin, a suitable grounding adapter should be used and
the third wire should be grounded properly. To prevent the risk of shock or fire hazard,
always be sure that the mixer and all other associated equipment are properly grounded.
1133.. PPoowweerr SSwwiittcchh
This rocker switch applies mains power to the unit.