RRaatteedd OOuuttppuutt PPoowweerr::
MMA81502: 150 W
MMA8752: 75 W
MMA8352: 35 W
OOuuttppuutt RReegguullaattiioonn::
Direct Out: ± 0.5dB
Transformer Out: ± 1.0dB
FFrreeqquueennccyy RReessppoonnssee::
Power Amplifier:
±0.5 dB, 20 Hz to 20 kHz, Direct Out
±1.0 dB, 50 Hz to 20 kHz, Transformer Out
±1.0 dB, 20 Hz to 20 kHz
Power Amplifier: 0.05% (1kHz)
Preamplifier: 0.10% with nominal gain settings
PPoowweerr BBaannddwwiiddtthh::
Direct Out: 10 Hz to 70 kHz
Transformer Out: 30 Hz to 40 kHz
SSiiggnnaall// NNooiissee::
(22 Hz–22 kHz) typical
All controls CCW: 100 dB
All controls nom: 95 dB
Master Level Max: 77 dB
Direct Out: 4 Ohms
Transformer Isolated: 8 Ohms, 25V, 70 V
(MMA81502, 120V only)
8 Ohms, 70 V, 100 V (MMA81502, 230V only)
8 Ohms/25V, 70 V, 100 V (MMA8752)
8 Ohms, 70 V, 100 V (MMA8352)
Pre Out: 1 V nom; +21 dBu max at 100 Ohms
Bridge In/Out: 100 mV at 3.3k Ohms
IInnppuutt SSeennssiittiivviittyy::
Program In: 100 mV at 10k Ohms
Bridge In/Out: 100 mV at 3.3k Ohms
Power In: 1 Volt at 20k Ohms
TToonnee CCoonnttrroollss::
Low EQ: ±10 dB at 100 Hz
High EQ: ±10 dB at 10 kHz
FFrroonntt PPaanneell FFeeaattuurreess::
Channel 1–8 Level Controls
Program Input Level Control
High EQ Control
Low EQ Control
EQ Bypass Switch
Master Level Control
Input Channel Signal Level Indicators (Signal
Presence: green; Signal Peak: red)
Mute Bus Status Indicators
Power Amplifier Signal Presence Indicator
SPS™ Indicator
Power On Indicator
RReeaarr PPaanneell FFeeaattuurreess::
Preamp Output
Power Amp Input
Program Input
Bridge In/Out
External Mute Terminals
External Volume Control
Plug-in Module Ports 1–8
Loudspeaker Output Terminals
AC convenience outlet (120V units only)
Power Switch
IEC Power Connector
MMA input module with muting capability overrides
the Program Input on Mute 1 bus
Mute 1 and Mute 2 bus activation with switch
contact closure via screw terminals
PPoowweerr RReeqquuiirreemmeennttss::
MMA81502 (120V): 300 Watts, 120 Vac, 60 Hz
MMA81502 (230V): 300 Watts, 230 Vac, 50/60 Hz
MMA8752 (120V): 180 Watts, 120 Vac, 60 Hz
MMA8752 (230V): 180 Watts, 230 Vac, 50/60 Hz
MMA8352 (120V): 100 Watts, 120 Vac, 60 Hz
19.00” (W) X 13.25” (D) X 3.45” (H) with rack ears
and without feet (483 mm X 337 mm X 88 mm)
17.00” (W) X 13.25” (D) X 4.00” (H) without rack ears
and with feet (432 mm X 337 mm X 102 mm)
MMA81502: 28.3 lbs. (12.9 kg)
MMA8752: 25.0 lbs. (11.4 kg)
MMA8352: 21.1 lbs. (9.6 kg)