26 C1561M-A (4/05)
18 Specify Which Servers are Available to the Client
This procedure is optional for the system administrator. If the system administrator does not specify the servers, the operator can complete this
step the first time he uses the VMX300(-E) client.
The first time the VMX300(-E) client is run on a workstation, you must specify which VMX300(-E) server(s) to connect to the client. Once
specified, a client will connect to the configured servers by default. A user with appropriate permission can select different servers when logging
on to the client. Server selection is client-specific. The same list of servers applies for every user who logs in from that client, unless the user
changes the server list.
1. Click the Windows Start button, and then choose Programs > VMX300 > VMX300 Client.
2. The Corrupt or Missing Database message appears because VMX300(-E) must create a new database the first time you use it. Click Create.
3. The VMX300(-E) Client Login dialog box appears.
Figure 29. Client Login Dialog Box
4. Type the user name and password. Note that the password is case sensitive, but the user name is not.
5. Click Servers. The Configure Servers dialog box appears.
Figure 30. Configure Servers Dialog Box
6. Click either Discover All or Add to specify which server or servers the client will connect to.
The Add function adds servers to the Configured Servers list without clearing the existing list. The Discover All function clears any servers
that are currently configured, and then adds each server that is running on the local network (LAN). To specify a server that is running on a
wide area network (WAN), use the Add option.
To use the Add function, complete the following additional steps:
a. Click Add. The Add Server dialog box appears.