C2478M-B-ML (2/05) 7
Minimum cable requirements:
75 ohms impedance
All-copper center conductor
All-copper braided shield with 95% braid coverage
These are the recommended maximum distances for 24 VAC appli-
cations and are calculated with a 10 percent voltage drop. (Ten percent is
generally the maximum allowable voltage drop for AC-powered devices.)
Input power for the dome is 24 VAC only. Power consumption is
75 VA per dome.
Use a 24 VAC transformer with a minimum of 100 VA.
Table A.
Video Coaxial Cable Requirements
Cable Type Maximum Distance
RG59/U 750 ft (299 m)
RG6/U 1,000 ft (305 m)
RG11/U 1,500 ft (457 m)
Table B.
24 VAC Wiring Distances
Wire Gauge
Total VA 20
(0.5 mm
(1.0 mm
(1.5 mm
(2.5 mm
75 37 ft
(11 m)
60 ft
(18 m)
95 ft
(29 m)
153 ft
(46 m)
Table C.
Configuration of Wire Harness
Pin Wire Color Function
9-Conductor Cable
A Black Alarm 1
B Red Alarm 2
C White Alarm 3
D Green Alarm 4
E Brown Alarm 5
F Orange Alarm 6
GYellow Alarm 7
HViolet Ground
– Blue Not Used
5-Conductor Cable
J Black Relay N.O. (Aux. 1)
K Red Relay N.C. (Aux. 1)
L Green Relay Common (Aux. 1)
M Brown Ground
N White Auxiliary 2
Cat5 Cable
P Green TX+
R White/Green TX-
S Blue RX-
T White/Blue RX-
U Orange UTP Video (+)
V White/Orange UTP Video (-)
W Brown Spare
X White/Brown Spare
Coaxial Cable
Y Coaxial Core Video Out
Z Coaxial Shield Video Shield
Individual Wires
a White 24 VAC (AC HI)
b Black 24 VAC (AC LO)
c Green/Yellow Earth Ground