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How to Add a New User
1. Click Settings in the main menu, the IP110 settings menu opens.
2. Click the Users tab. The Create a New User form opens.
3. Fill in the form fields. (User name, Password and Role are required fields.) Do not use spaces when
entering the user name in the User Name field.
4. Click the Create User button to save the new user profile.
How to Modify a User Profile
1. Click Settings in the main menu, the IP110 settings menu opens.
2. Click the Users tab. All defined user profiles are located in the box on the left side of the screen.
3. Click on a defined profile. The Create a New User form changes to the Editing User form.
4. Edit the form fields and then click the Update User button to save the new settings.
Figure 6.
Edit Profile Form
How to Delete a User Profile
1. Click Settings in the main menu, the IP110 settings menu opens.
2. Select a User. The Edit User form opens.
3. Click the Delete User button.
4. The delete user dialog box opens, the following message appears: “
Are you sure you want to delete
the user?”
Select one of the following:
• Click OK
to delete the user.
• Click Cancel
to close the dialog box.