C3447M-B (8/09) 7
Using a Web Browser
The minimum system requirements to use a Web browser with the Spectra Mini IP dome
system area as follows:
Processor: Intel
4 microprocessor, 1.6 GHz
Operating system: Microsoft
98, Windows 2000, Windows XP (or later), or Mac
10.3.9 (or later)
Memory: 512 MB
Network interface card: 100 megabits (or greater)
Monitor: Minimum of 1024 x 768 resolution, 16- or 32-bit pixel color resolution
Web browser: Internet Explorer
5.5 (or later) or Firefox 1.5 (or later)
Software platform: Java runtime environment™ (JRE) 1.4.2 or higher. You must have JRE installed on
your machine to view images. Download Java™ version J2SE JRE available on the resource disc that was
shipped with the product, or go to www.java.com/en/download.
1. Open the Web browser.
2. Enter the IP address of the dome system in the browser’s address bar. A login dialog box opens.
NOTE: If you do not know the IP address of the dome system, install the Pelco Device Utility software
available on the CD shipped with the product. The utility will locate the assigned name, IP address,
and media access control (MAC) address for the device.
3. Type admin (all lowercase) in the User ID and Password boxes (admin is the default value for these
Figure 1. Spectra Mini IP Login
4. Click Log In.
NOTE: For security purposes, be sure to change the password after you log on for the first time (refer
to Edit Profile Page on page 23).