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1. From the Edit Mode screen, display the desired icon layer on the map.
2. In the Device Browser list, use the filters to sort the list. You can display devices by their availability (online or offline), by type (camera,
encoder, alarm, and so forth), or by location.
3. Select a device or group of devices, and then drag it to the icon. A message appears confirming that the devices have been associated with
the icon.
Figure 24. New Device Association Message
1. While in Edit Mode, right-click an icon on a map, and then select “Edit Device Associations” from the shortcut menu. The Edit Device
Associations screen appears.
2. Update the device associations as follows:
• Use the filters to see which devices are available.
• To add more device associations, select one or more devices from the list, and then click the right arrow. Devices appear in the lists
according to type. For example, alarms appear in the Associated Alarms list, cameras appear in the Associated Cameras list, and so
• To remove device associations, select one or more devices from the Associated Devices lists, and then click the left arrow.
• To rearrange the list of associated devices, select a device, and then click the up or down arrow to move the device. Rearranging
devices can make it easier to locate them when moving through a long list of associated devices.
3. Click OK to save the changes.
Figure 25. Edit Device Associations Screen