16 Pelco Manual C1941M (7/98)
3.3.3 Software Setup–Using the MGR Program to Configure
VCRC Operation
The VCRC unit controls up to 64 VCRs per unit and provides seven basic functions
of VCR control direct from the CM9760 keyboard. These controls include Stop,
Pause, Play, Eject Fast Forward, Rewind and Record.
The VCRC accepts GPI commands issued under call functions of VCR control via
direct key entry or through properly prepared Macros. Access to GPI functionality is
setup in the MGR program in the following manner. What follows is a brief introduc-
tion to just those files which need to be programmed for successful VCRC opera-
tion and does not address other items that might be needed for your particular
system operation. Consult your MGR manual and associated software for other
specific or more detailed information.
On a separate PC and monitor start the 9760-MGR Setup program and access the
Camera File (.CAM file). Refer to Figure 11.
1. Select the desired physical camera input that will be associated as a VCR.
2. Program a logical input number, title identification (Ident), and operator ac-
cess (Oper Acc) for the associated VCR selected in the previous step.
3. Access the tab labeled “Type” and select VCR as the input type.
4. Highlight the GPI box and input a GPI number that corresponds to a specific
VCR control signal on the VCR controller.
5. Continue to program all desired inputs as VCRs by repeating steps 1-4. Up to
700 VCRs can be defined.
6. When all cameras (VCRs) are defined and associated “Connect GPIs” are
assigned, save the camera file and click on the GPI tab in the main menu of
the MGR program.
Figure 11. Configuring MGR Camera File for VCRC Operation
It is a good idea to use the
same number for the assigned GPI
as is used for the camera (VCR).
This leads to less confusion later
when calling up the camera (VCRs)
from the keyboard that are associ-
ated here with a GPI. In other
words, associate camera #1 with a
GPI connect of 1, camera #2 with
a GPI connect of 2 and so on. Also
set the logical and physical num-
bers for cameras (VCRs) equal to
each other.