Pelco Manual C505M-B (4/97) 9
This board contains all the circuitry required for all options. The components will be
loaded or not loaded according to the model being built. Preset circuits are loaded
for preset (PP). Receiver Address circuits are loaded for the 9504 versions of the
receiver. The RS-485 drivers are only loaded for the 9504 version. The address
switch sets the receiver address on power-up, and any change of address requires
a hard reset. Switch settings are binary encoded. Figure 6 shows how these ad-
dress settings are derived. If you are running simple coaxitron, you only have one
address to worry about; if you're running RS485 multiple control applications, then
each Receiver Option Board must be set for a different address. Implement Re-
ceiver addressing, using Figure 6 as a guide.
This board was designed to power all of Pelco’s fixed speed pan and tilts that use
synchronous AC motors. This board supplies the power for all the other boards. It
listens to the processor and drives the PTZ accordingly. Each section is described
in the following subsections.
5.3.1 Transformer and Power Supply Circuits
The transformer and power supply circuit supply the different voltages required by
the remainder of the circuitry. The transformer is capable of stepping down the
input voltage to required levels to supply the P/T, camera, and an accessory output.
The total power drawn from the transformer from these windings must not exceed
50 watts. Step-up operation in which the supply voltage is less than the PT or
camera voltage is not recommended. Table B lists the strapping configurations and
fuse values needed for the recommended input/output voltages.
5.3.2 Logic and Latch Circuits
The logic and latch circuits listen to the mother board and control driver outputs for
the PTZ.
5.3.3 Pan and Tilt Drive Circuit
The pan/tilt drive circuit for this version is simply four (4) solid-state relays which
are energized by the latch circuit. The pan relays are monitored for the presence of
current. This is used to detect limit stops when auto/random scan is used.
5.3.4 Lens Power Supply Circuit
The lens power supply circuit consists of dual power op amp circuits that provide up
to +12 VDC for the lens outputs when engaged.
This board was designed to power all of Pelco’s 12 VDC variable speed pan and
tilts. This board also supplies the power for all the other boards. It also listens to the
processor circuit and drives the PTZ accordingly. The descriptions for the lens power
supply circuit and the logic and latch circuits is the same as that previously de-
scribed in the AC power supply section. The remaining sections are described be-
5.4.1 Power Supply and Camera Transformer Circuit
Power supply and camera transformer circuit provide the operating voltages for the
remainder of the receiver. The power supply is a switch mode power supply . It is
supplied with 120 to 230 VAC and provides +12, -12, and +5 VDC. The switch
mode power supply is capable of 40 watts continuous and 45 watts surge power.
The camera transformer is capable of either 120 or 230 VAC input and 24 VAC
output. Table C lists the strapping configurations needed for the recommended
input/output voltages.
Prior to operation, both the
fuse and strapping configurations
must be installed. Use Figure 8 and
Table II to configure.
Prior to operation, both the
fuse and strapping configurations
must be installed. Use Figure 9 and
Table III to configure.