Figure 19. Camera Assignments Tab for Assigning Camera Permissions
C3663M-B (11/09) 27
Complete the following steps to assign or change camera permissions for a user:
1. Select the Camera Assignments tab (refer to Figure 19).
2. Select the user name in the Users list.
3. Choose the permission from the Groups area
. The following permissions are available:
• A
ll Cameras: Grants access to all cameras available on the selected system (as listed in the Available Cameras list at the bottom of
the tab). If you select this option, click Save and skip step 4.
• All Non-
Covert Cameras: Grants access to all cameras not designated as Covert Camera on the individual camera configuration
pages. If you select this option, click Save and skip step 4.
• By Assignment: Grants access to cameras individually selected from the bottom of the Camera Assignments tab. If you select this
option, proceed to step 4.
4. If you select By Assignment, select the cameras in the Available Cameras list that the user has permission to monitor, and then cl
ick the
right arrow button to move them to the Assigned Cameras list (or click the double right arrow button to assign all cameras). Repeat until all
cameras are properly assigned. To remove a camera from the Assigned Camera list, select it and click the left-arrow button (or click the
double left arrow button to remove all cameras). When all cameras are properly assigned, click Save.