C1696M-B (11/08) 9
Getting Started
This manual describes how to operate the DVR5100 to view and record live video, search for recorded video and mark or lock it for future use,
and to operate or adjust cameras. For information on installing and configuring the unit, refer to the DVR5100 Series Hybrid Video Recorder
Installation manual (C1695M). Refer to Appendix A: Front Panel Indicators on page 49 for detailed information on the DVR5100 front panel.
Each time you start the DVR5100, the system automatically begins a 60-second counter. This feature allows the system to automatically log on
the designated user each time the DVR is rebooted (for example, after a power failure or when the unit is restarted for any reason). An
administrator can enable or disable the autologin feature from the General System setup screen. In addition, the user account and the timing can
be changed for subsequent autologins. Once the time counts down to zero, the designated user is logged on. To interrupt the autologin process or
log on as a different user, follow the steps below. The default user is “admin.”
Figure 2. Autologin Dialog Box
Table B lists the default user IDs, passwords, and role descriptions.
NOTE: Contact your DVR5100 system administrator to set up additional users and roles or to obtain help with passwords.
To log on using the keyboard and mouse:
1. Select a user from the User ID list.
2. Click in the Password box, and then type the password.
3. Click Log In to accept the user name and password. If the password is correct, the DVR5100 displays the main application window.
Table B. Default User IDs and Passwords
User ID Password Role Description
admin admin or 23646
The Administrator can access all of the DVR5100 features and is the only user level with permission to
modify every option and value in the Setup page.
manager manager or 6262437
The Manager can monitor live video and audio, reposition PTZ cameras, respond to alarms, run scripts,
activate relays, search for video, play it back, lock clips, capture snapshots, export video, and view all of
the Setup windows.
operator operator or 67372867
The Operator can monitor live video and audio, reposition PTZ cameras, respond to alarms, run scripts,
activate relays, and search for and play back video.
guest guest or 48378 The Guest can monitor live video and audio, change layouts, and reposition PTZ cameras.