Pelco Manual C324M-I (8/98) 3
Manual # Date Comments
C324M 12/89 Original manual.
C324M 4/90 Revision A. Manual updated with improved wiring
C324M 7/90 Revision B. Manual revised with updated wiring diagram
and corrected mechanical parts list.
C324M 2/91 Revision C. Manual revised to include updated wiring
C324M 4/92 Revision D. Manual revised to include updated manual
format and corrected wiring diagram.
C324M 10/92 Revision E. Manual revised to include updated wiring
C324M-F 2/95 Revision F. Manual revised to include changes to
exploded assembly diagram, materials list and wiring
C324M-G 6/95 Revision G. Manual revised to include exploded
assembly diagram (parts) and respective materials list.
C324M-H 10/96 Revised installation instructions. Added Table A.
Updated Table C and Specifications.
10/97 Figures 4 and 5 revised to show correct wire colors for
pins 5 and 6. Figure 3 reivised to show correct pin outs on
lens connector.
C324M-I 8/98 Changed manual to new format. Added certifications. Re-
vised installation instructions. Moved exploded assembly
diagrams and parts lists to maintenance/service manual.
Added maintenance instructions. Changed tilt torque
specification from 5 inches to 2 inches.