..................................... 159, 189
High Dynamic Range Image
Capture ................................ 149
High/Low Key Adjustment
(Custom Image) ................... 157
High-ISO NR .......................... 98
Highlight Correction ............. 148
High-speed Sync ................. 245
Histogram Display
................................. 30, 33, 212
Hometown ............................ 207
Hot shoe ................................ 19
Hue (Custom Image) ........... 157
Image Capture Settings ....... 140
Image finishing tone ............. 155
Image plane indicator ............ 19
Image Rotation .................... 183
Image storage capacity
............................................. 282
Index image ......................... 194
M button
..................... 21, 23, 24, 30, 179
Info Overlay ......................... 107
Initial settings ......................... 58
Initializing a memory card .... 219
Input Focal Length ............... 262
Installing software ................ 235
Instant Review ............... 66, 212
Interface Options ......... 201, 233
Interval Movie ...................... 133
Interval Shooting .................. 124
Invert Color (Digital Filter)
..................................... 159, 189
ISO sensitivity ........................ 87
JPEG ................................... 141
JPEG Quality ....................... 142
JPEG Recorded Pixels ........ 141
Kelvin ....................................147
Kids R ....................................84
Landscape s ...................83, 84
Landscape (Custom Image)
Language setting ....................58
Language/u .......................58
Lateral chromatic aberration
LCD color tuning ...................211
LCD Display .........................210
LCD Display Settings ...........211
LCD Monitor ...........................24
Lens ................................54, 259
Lens Correction ....................151
Lens information contacts ......19
Lens mount cover ...................54
Lens mount index .............19, 55
Lens unlock button ...........21, 55
Lens with aperture ring .........263
Lithium batteries .....................48
Live View ..........................26, 67
Locking the exposure .............96
Long exposure ........................91
U/i (Live View/Delete) button
.......................21, 23, 26, 67, 73
a (Manual Exposure) mode ...89
Macintosh .............................232
Macro b ...........................83, 84
Magnifying images .......109, 177
Main switch .................20, 23, 57
Manual Exposure mode a .....89
Manual focus \ .................110
Manual White Balance .........145
Matte field .............................110
Memory ................................215