Getting Started
Choose the number of recorded pixels and quality level best suited to
your purpose.
Higher quality levels and numbers of recorded pixels produce clearer
images for printing, but the resulting increase in data volume reduces the
total number of pictures that can be taken.
Choose the appropriate number of recorded pixels and quality level for
still pictures on the [A Rec. Mode] menu.
Appropriate Number of Recorded Pixels According to Use
The default setting is 2304×1728.
Appropriate Quality Level According to Use
The default setting is Better.
Recorded Pixels, Quality Level and Recordable Images
• The above table shows the approximate number of images when using a 64MB
SD Memory Card.
• The above figures are based on standard shooting conditions specified by
PENTAX and may vary depending on the subject, shooting conditions, capture
mode, SD Memory Card, etc.
Recorded Pixels and Quality Level for Still Pictures
Selecting the Recorded Pixels 1p.72
Selecting the Quality Level 1p.73
2304 (2304×1728)
Suitable for printing on A4 paper
1600 (1600×1200)
Suitable for printing on paper slightly larger than a postcard
1024 (1024×768 )0
Suitable for printing on postcards
640 ( 640×480 )
Suitable for attaching to e-mails or creating websites
(Best) Lowest compression rate. Suitable for photo prints.
Standard compression rate. Suitable for viewing the image
on a computer screen.
Highest compression rate. Suitable for attaching to e-mails
or creating websites.
Quality level
Recorded pixels
2304 (2304×1728)
24 pictures 47 pictures 69 pictures
51 pictures 89 pictures 123 pictures
1024 (1024×768 )0
112 pictures 202 pictures 257 pictures
640 ( 640×480 )
241 pictures 386 pictures 483 pictures