Technical Data
CanonetG-III 17
Type : 35mm lens shutter type camera with
Electric Eye.
Picture Size : 24mm X 36mm
Lens : Canon Lens 40mm F1.7. 6-element 4-
component construction, with four newly
designed glasses. Spectra coated in am-
ber and purple.
Viewfinder : Viewfinder combined with range-
finder, bright frame with automatic paral-
lax correction, aperture scale, exposure in-
dicator and over/under exposure warning
EE Mechanism : Built-in exposure meter with
CdS cell for fully automatic exposure con-
trol. Shutter speed priority system. ASA 25
to 800 (DIN 15 to 30). With ASA 100 film,
EV 3.5 (f/1.7 at 1/4 sec.)-EV 17 (f/16 at
1 /500 sec.). Powered by one 1.3v M 20 ( # 625)
mercury battery. Battery checker built in.
Manual Control of Aperture : Possible at any
desired f/stop by releasing EE mechanism.
Shutter : Between-the-shutter. Shutter speeds
from 1/4 to 1/500 sec. and B. Automatically
sets aperture, self-cocking combined film/
shutter wind, self-timer, X synchronization.
Flash Contact : Accessory shoe with direct
contact exclusive for Canolite D and con-
ventional flash socket.
Canolite D : Exclusive electronic flash unit
designed for use with Canonet G-III with
direct contact for cordless type. When per-
forming flash photography, it is not necessary
to worry about guide numbers or to calculate
f/stops, Automatic setting of proper f/stop
is possible as the EE circuit is coupled to the
shooting distance. Canolite D is powered by
two 1.5v alkaline AA batteries.
Flash-Auto Mechanism for Other Flash Units :
Aperture openings coupled to shooting dis-
tance at guide numbers 14, 20, 28 (m) with
ASA 100. Shutter button is locked when
it is outside the coupling range.
Film Loading : Canon-developed QL (Quick
Loading) mechanism. Accepts any stand-
ard 35mm film in cartridge.
Film Advance : Single-stroke 127°. Film trans-
port and wound-up indicators built in.
Frame Counter : Resets automatically.
Size : 120 X 75 X 60mm (4-3/4" X 3" X 2-3/8")
Weight : 620 grams (1 Ib. 5-7/8 oz.).
Canonet G-III 19
Similar to G-III 17 with the following ex-
Lens: Canon Lens 45mm F 1.9 5-element
4-component construction. Spectra coated
in amber, purple and magenta.
EE Mechanism : With ASA 100 film, EV 3.8
SSI With no film wound-up indicator and blue
lamp built in. Subject to alterations.