
Reproduced for Historical & Reference purposes by Paul M. Provencher -
Ultra-Achromatic Takumar
85mm f/4.5
from 220mµ to1000mµ and
photographic tests without filters
show good results within these wave-
length bands.
Lens element 5
Minimum aperture f/22
Minimum distance 2 ft. (0.6m)
Angle of view 29°
The new Ultra-Achromatic-Takumar 85mm f/4.5
is corrected against chromatic aberration from
ultraviolet to infrared wavelength bands. Not only
is it a high resolution lens for visible light
photography, but also it gives unmatched optical
performance in ultraviolet and infrared
The lens uses no glass; it uses fluorite and
quartz. This unique lens answers some of the
optical quality and performance problems in
ultraviolet and infrared photography. Although it is
superb for infrared and visible light photography,
its main design emphasis is placed on ultraviolet
photography at close distance. It is corrected
against chromatic aberration
Weight 8.7 ozs. (248 gr.)
Ultra-Achromatic Takumar 300mm f/5.6
Lens element 5
Minimum aperture f/22
Minimum distance 16 ft. (4.85m)
Angle of view 8°
The new Ultra-Achromatic-Takumar 300mm f/5.6
uses glass and fluorite elements to achieve high
resolution and extreme chromatic aberration
correction over a wide range wavelength. It is
corrected against chromatic aberration from 400mµ
up to 850mµ. The visible portion of the spectrum
extends from 400mµ up to 700mµ. This lens is
excellent for telephotography in the visible and
infrared portion of the spectrum. The use of
fluorite elements allow a design that is very
compact for its focal length and sharp in contrast
and definition.
Weight 29 ozs. (825 gr.)