
Pertech Resources Inc. November 2005 220321A 29
Pertech provides Technical Support for this product by calling 307-856-4821 between the hours of 8AM to 5PM
Monday through Friday MST, or by submitting a Support Inquiry at the Pertech web site. www.pertechresources.com
under the service/support section.
The Model Number, Revision, Date, and Serial Number can be located on the Label attached on the bottom of the
printer. Please have this information available when you contact Pertech.
Service & Support
Maintaining The Printer
There is no customer maintenance required for the 5300 printers. However, printers gather paper dust and other
debris through normal use, continued accumulation can eventually lead to printer issues. A general preventive main-
tenance program can help reduce unnecessary failures and downtime. Pertech recommends that you occasionally
clean lint and paper dust out of the mechanism using low pressure canned air. It is recommended that this be done
on a regular basis, such as after every Ink Cartridge change. Clean the cabinet as needed to remove nger marks
and dust. Use any household cleaner designed for plastics, but test it rst on a small, unseen area.
Caution: Do not spray or try to clean the print head or the inside of the printer with any kind of cleaner. This may
damage the print head or the electronics.