Picture settings
You can select the following functions in this menu:
TVshape 16:9
Blacklevelshift Off
Verticalvideoshift ï
EXT1videoattenuation ï
Videooutput Interlaced
'TV shape'
The picture signal can be adjusted to fit your TV:
'4:3 letterbox': for a 'wide-screen' display with black bars on the top and bottom
'4:3 panscan': for a full-height picture with the sides trimmed
'16:9' : for wide-screen TV (frame ratio 16:9)
'Black level shift'
Adapts the color dynamic for NTSC playback when set to 'On'.
'Vertical video shift'
This allows you to move the picture left or right using the D , C buttons in order to adjust
the picture to your TV screen.
'EXT1 video attenuation'
With the buttons D , C you can attenuate or boost the component video signal on the input
socket COMPONENT VIDEO IN These setting concerns only the input signal. The component
video output signal leaves unchanged.
'Video output'
This allows you to switch the Component Video signal between 'Interlaced' and 'Progressive
Warning If your TV has separate connections for 'Interlaced' and 'Progressive Scan' or it does
not switch automatically between the two, it is possible that no picture will appear on the TV
after it is switched from one to the other.
Select the setting you need with SELECT . Choose Progressive
Scan only if your TV has Progressive Scan.
Confirm with OK .
User preferences