Sound settings
Depending on which audio outputs are used, you can select the settings in this menu.
If you only use the analogue audio output ( OUT AUDIO L/R ), select the settings 'Off' in the
'Digital output' menu.
Digitaloutput All
Analogueoutput Stereo
Nightmode Off
'Digital output'
You can select one of the following settings for devices that are connected to the COAX
'All': Dolby Digital and DTS signals are fed unaltered to the digital output. MPEG-2 multi-channel
signals are converted to PCM (Pulse Code Modulation).
For receivers/amplifiers with digital multichannel sound decoders.
'PCM only: Dolby Digital and MPEG-2 multi-channel signals are converted to PCM (Pulse Code
For receivers/amplifiers without digital multichannel sound decoders.
'Off: Digital output switched off.
For devices with analogue audio input.
'Analogue output'
For devices connected to the analogue audio output ( OUT AUDIO L/R ), you can select from
the following settings.
'Stereo': For devices without DolbySurround or TruSurround. Use this setting if the DVD
recorder is only connected to a stereo TV set.
'Surround: Dolby Digital and MPEG-2 multi-channel are mixed down to a DOLBY
surround-compatible two-channel output signal.
For devices with Dolby Surround Pro Logic decoder .
'Night mode'
Night mode optimises the sound for playback at low volume. You are therefore less likely to
disturb your neighbours. This only works for Dolby Digital audio on DVD video discs.
Language settings
You can choose the following settings in this menu:
AudioLanguage English
Recordingaudio Language1
Subtitle English
Menu English
'Audio Language'
Playback audio language
'Recording audio'
Selection of audio recording for bilingual programmes
User preferences