scroll arrows
Press to move to the next (or previous) page of Pronto
controls. The touchscreen will display the current
control screen’s page number, and the total number of
pages available for the selected device (1/3; 2/3; etc.)
menu buttons
Press the Menu (or ok) button to
show on-screen controls. Press M
▲ or ▼ buttons to move up (or
down), the M
ᮤ or ᮣ to move
left (or right) through the list of
volume buttons
Press to adjust the DPTV sound level up (+) and down (-).
channel scan buttons
Press to scan up (+) or down (-) through any NTSC programmed
channel numbers.
power button
Press to turn the DPTV ON and OFF.
sleep button
Press to set the DPTV to
automatically turn itself OFF.
(15 minutes to 2 hours ahead.)
number buttons
Press the number buttons to select DPTV channels. Press
two number buttons to select single digit “major” channel
numbers. For example: press "0" then "6" for channel 6.
exit button
Press to clear the DPTV screen after control
adjustments. Also press to see the current channel
number on the DPTV screen.
A/CH button
Press Alternate Channel (A/CH) to select previously
viewed channels. Enter the desired two channel numbers
(from the Pronto remote’s number buttons), and then
press A/CH to toggle back and forth between the two
channel selections.
ext input button
Press to quickly select NTSC auxiliary input modes
(AUX1/2/3), as well as cycle through the DPTV’s other
input option modes (Monitor VGA, EXT HD, etc.).
mute button
Press to turn the sound OFF on the DPTV. Press again to return
the sound to its previous level.
status button
Press to see the current channel number on the DPTV screen.
Also press to clear the DPTV screen after control adjustments.
he Pronto remote contains
three display screens of
“Analog TV” related controls. Use
the touchscreen controls to access
and adjust NTSC features for Input
selection and Menu feature
Note: For battery installation and
other details on the initial use of
the Pronto remote control also
refer to the 64PH9905 Quick Use
guide included with your DPTV.
Gently tap the Pronto
touchscreen with your finger to
display its control panel for use.
Be sure “DTV” is selected for the
current device tab item category.
Press the “Analog” command
button (on the lower left of
Pronto remote case) to ensure
NTSC mode commands are sent
from the remote.
Due to the amount of
optional component and
feature uses available with the
Pronto’s Device Reference and
Learn Code lists, please also refer
to the separate full-use Pronto
Owner’s Manual for complete
details on its function and
alternate audio
Primarily used for “alt audio” ATSC mode
feature, this button can also be used to
quickly select the NTSC Second Audio
Program (SAP) feature (when available).
analog format button
Press to select one of the TV screen display format modes
(i.e. Panoramic, 4:3, 16:9, etc.).