Table of contents
1 Important 3
1.1 Hearing safety 3
1.2 Electric-, Magnetic- and Electromagnetic
Fields (“EMF”) 3
1.3 General maintenance 4
1.4 Disposal of your old product 4
1.5 Remove the integrated battery 4
1.6 Notice for the European Union 5
1.7 Trademarks 5
2 inthebox 6
3 Whatelse need 6
4 Whatyoucandowithyour
music/voiceadapter 7
5 OverviewofyourBluetooth
music/voiceadapter 8
6 InstallandconfiguretheUSB
Bluetoothmusic/voiceadapter 9
7 Getstarted 10
7.1 Charge your headset 10
7.2 Pair your headset 10
7.2.1 Pair your headset with your PC 10
7.2.2 Pair your headset with your mobile 11
8 UsingyourBluetooth
headsetwithyourPC 12
8.1 Connecting the headset with your USB
Bluetooth music / voice adapter 12
9 Usingyourheadsetwith
yourmobilephone 13
9.1 Connecting to your mobile phone 13
9.2 Operating your headset 13
10 WearingyourBluetoothstereo
headset 15
11 Usingmoreofyour
Bluetoothstereoheadset 15
11.1 Learn about the battery status 15
11.2 Learn about simultaneous use for voice
and audio 16
11.3 Learn about FullSound 16
11.4 Automatic power saving 16
12 Technicaldata 17
13 Frequentlyaskedquestions 18