TDA8566_6 © NXP B.V. 2007. All rights reserved.
Product data sheet Rev. 06 — 15 October 2007 5 of 21
NXP Semiconductors
2 × 40 W/2 Ω stereo BTL car radio power amplifier
6.2 Pin description
Table 3. Pin description TDA8566TH and TDA8566TH1
Symbol Pin Description
TDA8566TH TDA8566TH1
DIAG 1 1 short-circuit and temperature pre-warning
diagnostic output
IN2+ 2 2 channel 2 input positive
IN2− 3 3 channel 2 input negative
n.c. 4 4 not connected
n.c. 5 5 not connected
n.c. 6 6 not connected
n.c. 7 - not connected
n.c. - 8 not connected
n.c. - 9 not connected
IN1+ 8 10 channel 1 input positive
IN1− 9 11 channel 1 input negative
SGND 10 12 signal ground
CLIP 11 13 clip detection output
12 14 supply voltage 1
n.c. - 15 not connected
OUT1+ 13 16 channel 1 output positive
PGND1 14 17 power ground 1
OUT1− 15 18 channel 1 output negative
n.c. - - not connected
OUT2+ 16 19 channel 2 output positive
PGND2 17 20 power ground 2
OUT2− 18 21 channel 2 output negative
n.c. - 22 not connected
19 23 supply voltage 2
MODE 20 7 mode select switch input (standby/mute/operating)
HEATTAB - 24 connect to ground, used for test purposes only
Table 4. Pin description TDA8566Q
Symbol Pin Description
IN1+ 1 channel 1 input positive
IN1− 2 channel 1 input negative
SGND 3 signal ground
CLIP 4 clip detection output
5 supply voltage 1
OUT1+ 6 channel 1 output positive
PGND1 7 power ground 1
OUT1− 8 channel 1 output negative
n.c. 9 not connected