Symptom Cause Action (See)
Power doesn’tturn on.
The unitdoesn’t operate.
Leads andconnectors are incor-
rectly connected.
Confirm oncemore that allconnections are
The fuseis blown. Rectifythereason for thefuse blowing, then
replace thefuse. Be very sureto install afuse
with thesame rating.
Noise andother factors are causing
the built-inmicroprocessor tooper-
ate incorrectly.
Operation withthe remote con-
trol isn’t possible.
The unitdoes not operatecor-
rectly evenwhen the appropriate
remote controlbuttons are
The remotecontrol operation mode
is incorrect.
Switch tothe correct remotecontrol mode.
The remotecontrol code isincor-
Make surethe remote controlselection
switch settingand code typesetting are the
Battery poweris low. Load newbattery.
Some operationsare prohibited
with certaindiscs.
Check byusing another disc.
Playback isnot possible. The discis dirty. Clean disc.(Page100)
The loadeddisc is atype thisunit
cannot play.
Check whattype the discis.
Non compatiblevideo system disc
is loaded.
Change toa disc compatibleto your video
No soundsare heard.
The volumelevel will notrise.
Cables arenot connected correctly. Connectthe cablescorrectly.
The unitis performing still,slow mo-
tion or frame-by-frame playback.
There isno sound duringstill, slow motionor
frame-by-frame playback.
There isno picture. The parkingbrake cord isnot con-
Connect aparking brake cord,and apply the
parking brake.
The parkingbrake is notapplied. Connecta parkingbrake cord,and apply the
parking brake.
The icon
is displayed,and op-
eration isnot possible.
The operationis prohibited forthe
This operationis not possible.
The operationis not compatible
with thedisc’s organization.
This operationis not possible.
The picturestops (pauses) and
the unitcannot be operated.
Readingof data hasbecome impos-
sible duringplayback.
After stopping playbackonce, startplayback
once more.
There isno sound.
Volume level islow.
The volumelevel islow. Adjustthe volumelevel.
The attenuatoris on. Turnthe attenuator off.
There isaudio and videoskip-
The unitis not firmlysecured. Secure theunit firmly.
The pictureis stretched, theas-
pect isincorrect.
The aspectsetting is incorrectfor
the display.
Select theappropriate settingfor yourdisplay.
(Page 47)
When theignition switch is
turned ON(or turned toACC),
the motorsounds.
The unitis confirming whethera
disc isloaded or not.
This isa normal operation.
Additional Information