
It isnot possible towrite itin
the flash.
This unitsflash memory used for
temporary storagearea is full.
Select theplayable file.
Authorization Error This unitsDivX registration code
has notbeen authorized byDivX
VOD contentsprovider.
Register thisunit toDivX VOD contentsprovi-
Unplayable File This typeof file cannotbe playedby
this unit.
Select theplayable file.
USB audio player/USB memory
Message Cause Action
Unplayable File This typeof file cannotbe playedby
this unit.
Select theplayable file.
No songs Transfer the audiofiles to theUSB portable
audio player/USBmemory and connect.
USB memory withsecurity enabled
is connected
Followthe USBmemory instructions todis-
able thesecurity.
Skipped The connectedUSB portable audio
player/USB memory contains WMA
files thatare protected byWindows
Play anaudio filenot protectedby Windows
Media DRM9/10.
Protect All thefiles on theconnected USB
portable audioplayer/USB memory
are protectedby Windows Media
DRM 9/10
Transferaudio files notprotected by Windows
Media DRM9/10 tothe USB portableaudio
player/USB memory and connect.
N/A USB The USBdevice connected tois not
supported bythis unit.
Connect aUSB portable audioplayer or USB
memor y that isUSB Mass StorageClass
USB deviceis notformatted with
FAT16or FAT32
USB deviceshould be formattedwith FAT16
or FAT32.
Check USB TheUSBconnector or USBcable is
Confirm thatthe USB connectoror USB
cable isnot caught insomething or da-
The connectedUSB portable audio
player/USB memory consumes
more than500 mA(maximum allow-
able current).
Disconnect theUSB portable audioplayer/
USB memory anddo not useit. Turnthe igni-
tion switchto OFF, thento ACC orON and
then connectthe compliant USBportable
audio player/USBmemory.
Error-02-9X/-DX Communicationfailure Perform oneof the followingoperations.
Turnthe ignition switchOFFand back ON.
Disconnect theUSB portable audioplayer/
USB memory.
Change toa different source.
Then, returnto theUSB portable audio
player/USB memory.
Additional Information