About iPod settings
! When aniPodis connected, thisunit changes the
EQ (equalizer)setting of theiPod tooff inorder to
optimize theacoustics. When youdisconnect the
iPod,the EQ returnsto theoriginal setting.
! You cannot setRepeat tooff on theiPodwhen
using thisunit. Repeat isautomatically changed
to Allwhen the iPod isconnected to thisunit.
Incompatible textsaved on theiPodwill not bedis-
played bythe unit.
DVD-R/RW discs
Unfinalized DVD-R/RW discswhich have beenre-
corded inthe Videoformat (videomode) cannot be
played back.
Playback ofDVD-R/RW discs maynot be possible,
due todisc characteristics, scratches ordirt onthe
disc, ordirt, condensation, etc.on thelens of this
Depending onthe application settingsand the envir-
onment, playbackof discs recordedon a personal
computer maynot be possible.(For details,contact
the manufacturerof the application.)
CD-R/RW discs
When CD-R/RW discsare used, playbackis possible
only fordiscs which havebeen finalized.
Playback ofCD-R/RW discs recordedon a musicCD
recorder ora personal computermay not bepossible
due todisc characteristics, scratches ordirt onthe
disc, ordirt, condensation, etc.,on the lensof this
Depending onthe application settingsand the envir-
onment, playbackof discs recordedon a personal
computer maynot be possible.(For details,contact
the manufacturerof the application.)
Playback ofCD-R/RW discs maybecome impossible
in caseof direct exposureto sunlight, hightempera-
tures, orthe storage conditionsin the vehicle.
Titles andother text informationrecorded on aCD-R/
RW discmay not bedisplayed by thisunit (inthe
case ofaudio data (CD-DA)).
DualDiscs aretwo-sided discsthat have arecordable
CD foraudio on oneside and arecordable DVDfor
video onthe other.
Playback ofthe DVD sideis possible withthis unit.
However, sincethe CD sideof DualDiscsis not physi-
cally compatiblewith the generalCD standard, itmay
not bepossible to playthe CD sidewith thisunit.
Frequent loadingand ejecting ofa DualDisc mayre-
sult inscratches on thedisc. Serious scratchescan
lead toplayback problems onthis unit. Insome
cases, aDualDisc may becomestuck in thedisc load-
ing slotand will noteject. To prevent this,we recom-
mend yourefrain from usingDualDisc withthis unit.
Please referto the informationfrom the discmanu-
facturer for moredetailed information about
JPEG picture files
JPEG isshort for JointPhotographic Experts Group
and refersto a stillimage compression technology
Files arecompatible with BaselineJPEG and EXIF2.1
still imagesup to aresolution of 4092 ×4 092. (EXIF
format isused most commonlywith digital stillcam-
Playback ofEXIF format filesthat were processedby a
personal computermay not bepossible.
There isno progressive JPEGcompatibility.
DivX video files
Depending onthe composition of thefile information,
such asthe number ofaudio streams or filesize,
there maybe a slightdelay when playingback discs.
Some specialoperations may beprohibited due to
the compositionof the DivX files.
Only DivXfiles downloaded froma DivX partnersite
are guaranteefor proper operation.Unauthorized
DivX filesmay not operateproperly.
DRM rentalfiles cannot beoperated until playbackis
Recommended filesize: 2GB or lesswith a transmis-
sion rateof 2Mbps or less.
The IDcode of thisunit must beregistered to aDivX
VOD providerin order toplayback DivX VODfiles. For
information onID codes, referto Displaying theDivX
VOD registration codeon page 63.
Formore details aboutDivX, visit thefollowing site:
MPEG-1/MPEG-2/MPEG-4 video files
Elapsed playbacktime may notbe displayed correctly.
Additional information