Adjusting source levels
With SLA (sourcelevel adjustment), the volume
levels of eachsource can be adjusted toprevent
significant differences betweensources.
! Settingsare based onthe FM volume level,
which remains unchanged.
1 Press the home buttonto switch to the
home display.
2 Touch the audiofunction key to open the
audio menu.
3 Compare the FM volumelevel with the
level of thesource you wish to adjust.
4 Touch SourceLevel Adjuster on the audio
function menu.
5 Touch
or to adjust the sourcevol-
Range: +4 to–4
! SourceLevel Adjusteris not available when
FM is selected asthe source.
! TheAM volume levelcan also be adjusted
with this function.
! VideoCD, CD, compressedaudio, DivX,
MPEG-1, MPEG-2 and MPEG-4 are automati-
cally set to thesame source level adjustment
Setting the subtitle language
You can set adesired subtitle language. When
available, the subtitleswill be displayed in the
selected language.
1 Press the home buttonto switch to the
home display.
2 Touch the videosetup key to open the
video setup menu.
3 Touch Subtitle Languageon the
Video Setup menu.
A subtitle languagemenu is displayed.
4 Touch the desiredlanguage.
The subtitle languageis set.
# Ifyou have selectedOthers,refer to Whenyou se-
lect Otherson thispage.
! Ifthe selected language isnot available, the
language specified onthe disc is displayed.
! You can also switch thesubtitle language by
touching the switch subtitlelanguages key
during playback.
! Thesetting made herewill not be affected
even if the subtitlelanguage is switched dur-
ing playback usingthe switch subtitle lan-
guages key.
When you select Others
A language codeinput display is shown when
Others is selected.Refer to Language code chart
for DVD onpage 64.
% Touch 0 to 9 toinput the language code.
# Tocancel theentered numbers, touchC.
# Toregister thecode, touch thefollowing touch
panel key.
Registering thecode.
Setting the audio language
You can set thepreferred audio language.
1 Press the home buttonto switch to the
home display.
2 Touch the videosetup key to open the
video setup menu.
3 Touch Audio Languageon the Video
Setup menu.
An audio languagemenu is displayed.
4 Touch the desiredlanguage.
The audio languageis set.
# Ifyou have selectedOthers,refer to Whenyou se-
lect Otherson thispage.
! Ifthe selected language isnot available, the
language specified onthe disc is used.
! You can also switch theaudio language by
touching the switch audiolanguages key
during playback.
! Thesetting made herewill not be affected
even if the audiolanguage is switched dur-
ing playback usingthe switch audio lan-
guages key.
Setting the menu language
You can set thepreferred language in which the
menus recorded ona disc are displayed.
1 Press the home buttonto switch to the
home display.
Audio adjustments
Setting up the video player