Black plate (37,1)
Using the Favorite menu
1 Display menu columnsto register.
Refer to Menuoperations on page 28.
# Youcan customize menusexcept VideoSetup
2 Touchthe star icon in the menucolumn
for the desired menu to register the menu.
The star iconfor the selected menu isfilled in.
# Tocancel theregistration, touchthe staricon in
the menucolumn again.
3 Display the favoritemenu and choose a
registered menu.
Refer to Menuoperations on page 28.
You can register upto 12 columns.
Bluetooth connection menu
(Function of AVH-X7500BT)
If you are usinga cellular phone that canbe
connected via Bluetoothwireless technology,we
recommend that youuse your phone to search
for this unitand establish a connection between
it and yourphone. The PIN code isset to 0000
as default. Theproduct name for this unitwill
display on yourphone as the device name.For
details, refer toEntering PIN code for Bluetooth
wireless connection on page38. For further de-
tails concerning theprocedures for establishing
Bluetooth wireless connections,refer to the in-
struction manual forthe phone.
Pairing from this unit
1 Press the homebutton to switch tothe
home display.
2 Touchthe Bluetooth key to openthe
Bluetooth connection menu.
3 TouchConnection to select a device.
4 Start to search.
Starting tosearch.
While searching, is displayed and whenavail-
able devices arefound, the device names or
Bluetooth device addresses(if names cannot be
obtained) are displayed.
# Ifyou want toswitch betweenthe devicenames
and Bluetoothdevice addresses,touch theicon.
Switching betweenthe device
names andBluetooth devicead-
# Tocancel searching,touch Stop.
# Ifthree devices arealready paired,Memory Full
is displayedand pairingcannot beperformed. In
such cases,delete apaired devicefirst. Refer to
page 37.
# Ifno devicecan be found,Not Foundis dis-
played. Insuch cases,check the statusof the
Bluetooth deviceand searchagain.
5 Toucha device name to selectthe device
you want toconnect to.
While connecting, Pairingis displayed. If the
connection is established,Paired is displayed.
# Ifyour devicesupport SSP (SecureSimple Pair-
ing), six-digitnumber appearson thedisplay of this
unit. Oncethe connectionis established, thisnum-
ber disappears.
# Ifthe connectionfails, Error isdisplayed. Insuch
cases, tryagain from thebeginning.
# ThePIN codeis set to0000 asthe default,but
can bechanged. Referto EnteringPIN code for
Bluetooth wirelessconnection on page38.
# Oncethe connectionis established,the device
name isdisplayed.
Touch thedevice nameto disconnect.
# Ifyou want todelete apaired Bluetoothtele-
phone, displayDelete OK?. TouchYes todelete the
Deleting apaired device.
# Neverturn theunit off whilethe pairedBluetooth
telephone isbeing deleted.
Favorite menu
Bluetooth connection menu