Voice commands and operations
Browse playlists dDisplays the playlist together withsub-screen to continue thevoice operation. dSay the desired
voice commands.
Browse the playlist<Playlist name> d Displaysthe song list ofthe selected playlist together withsub-screen to
continue the voiceoperation. d Saydesired voice commands.
Browse genre d Displaysthe genre listtogether with sub-screen to continuethe voice operation. dSay the desired
voice commands.
Browse the genre<Genre name>d Displays thesong list ofthe selected genrelist together with sub-screento con-
tinue the voiceoperation. d Saydesired voice commands.
Play more musicartist d Plays thesongs related tothe currently playing artist.
Play more musicalbum d Plays thesongs related tothe currently playing album.
Play more musicgenre dPlays the songs relatedto the currentlyplaying genre.
Next page, Previous paged Displays the previousor next page ofthe selection list. (*1)
First page, Last paged Displays thefirst or lastpage of the selection list.(*1)
(*1) Voice commands are availableonly when theselection list is displayed.
Voice operation for AV source (other than iPod)
AV source selection
Voice commands and operations
Change Source toDISC d Switches theAV source toDisc.
Change Source toTuner dSwitches the AVsource to Tuner.
Change Source toXM Satellite Radio dSwitches the AV source to XM.
Change Source toSIRIUS Satellite Radiod Switches the AVsource toSIRIUS .
Change Source toSD d Switches theAV sourceto SD.
Change Source toUSB d Switches theAV sourceto USB.
Change Source toiPodd Switches the AV source to iPod.
Change Source toBluetooth Audio d Switches theAV source toAudio (Bluetooth audio).
Built-in DVD drive, external storage device (USB, SD)
Voice commands and operations
Shuffle play dPlays all songsrandomly.
Pause d Pauses the trackor file currently playing.
Resume dResumes the trackor file currently playing.
Next songd Plays the nexttrack or file.
Previous song d Playsthe previous trackor file,or returnsto the beginning ofthe track or file currentlyplaying.
Operating your navigation system with voice