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Transfer songsto
the iPod.
Handling guidelines
Discs and player
Use onlydiscs that feature eitherof the following
two logos.
Use 12-cm discs.Do not use8-cm discs or an
adapter for 8-cm discs.
Use onlyconventional, fully circular discs.Do not
use shaped discs.
Do not insertanything other thana CD into the
CD loading slot.
Do not usecracked, chipped, warped,or other-
wise damaged discsas they maydamage the play-
Unfinalized CD-R/RW discscannot be played
Do not touchthe recorded surface of thediscs.
Store discs intheir cases when notin use.
Do not attachlabels, write onor apply chemicals
to the surface ofthe discs.
To cleana CD, wipe thedisc with a softcloth out-
ward from thecenter.
Condensation may temporarilyimpair the player’s
performance. Let it restfor about one hourto ad-
just to awarmer temperature. Also,wipe any
damp discs offwith a soft cloth.
Playback ofdiscs may not bepossible because of
disc characteristics,disc format, recordedapplica-
tion, playbackenvironment, storage conditions,
and so on.
Road shocksmay interrupt disc playback.
When using discsthat can beprinted on label sur-
faces, check theinstructions and thewarnings of
the discs. Dependingon the discs,inserting and
ejecting maynot be possible. Usingsuch discs
may result indamage to thisequipment.
Do not attachcommercially available labelsor
other materials tothe discs.
! The discs maywarp making thedisc unplay-
! The labels maycome off duringplayback and
prevent ejection ofthe discs, whichmay result
in damage tothe equipment.
USB storage device
Connections via USBhub are notsupported.
Do not connectanything other than aUSB stor-
age device.
Firmly securethe USB storage devicewhen driv-
ing. Do notlet the USBstorage device fall ontothe
floor, whereit may become jammedunder the
brake or acceleratorpedal.
Depending on theUSB storage device,the follow-
ing problemsmay occur.
! Operations may vary.
! The storage devicemay not berecognized.
! Files maynot be played backproperly.
! The device maygenerate noise inthe radio.
Do not leavethe iPodin places with hightempera-
To ensureproper operation, connect thedock con-
nector cable fromthe iPod directly to thisunit.
Firmly securethe iPodwhen driving. Do notlet the
iPodfall onto the floor,where it maybecome
jammed under thebrake or acceleratorpedal.
About iPod settings
! When an iPod isconnected, this unit changes
the EQ (equalizer)setting of the iPod tooff in
order to optimizethe acoustics. Whenyou dis-
connect theiPod,the EQ returnsto the original
! You cannot set Repeatto off onthe iPodwhen
using this unit.Repeat is automatically
changed to Allwhen the iPod is connectedto
this unit.
Incompatible textsaved on the iPod willnot be dis-
played by theunit.
DualDiscs are two-sideddiscs that have arecord-
able CD foraudio on oneside and a recordable
DVD for video onthe other.
Since the CDside of DualDiscsis not physically
compatible with thegeneral CD standard,it may
not be possibleto play theCD side with thisunit.
Frequentloading and ejecting ofa DualDisc may
result in scratcheson the disc.Serious scratches
can lead toplayback problems onthis unit. In
some cases, aDualDisc may becomestuck in the
disc loading slotand will noteject. To prevent this,
we recommend yourefrain from usingDualDisc
with this unit.
Please refer tothe information fromthe disc man-
ufacturer for more detailedinformation about
Compressed audio
compatibility (disc, USB)
File extension:.wma
Bit rate: 48kbpsto 320kbps (CBR),48kbps to
384kbps (VBR)
Sampling frequency: 32 kHz,44.1 kHz, 48 kHz
Windows MediaAudio Professional, Lossless,
Voice/DRMStream/Stream with video: Notcom-
File extension:.mp3
Bit rate: 8kbps to 320kbps (CBR), VBR
Sampling frequency: 8kHz to48kHz (32kHz,
44.1kHz, 48kHzfor emphasis)
Additional information
Additional information