Playback ofdiscs may notbe possible becauseof
disc characteristics,disc format, recordedapplica-
tion, playbackenvironment, storage conditions,
and soon.
Road shocksmay interrupt discplayback.
USB storage device
Connections viaUSB hub arenot supported.
Do notconnect anything otherthan a USB stor-
age device.
Firmly securethe USB storagedevice when driv-
ing. Donot let the USBstorage device fallonto the
floor, whereit may becomejammed under the
brake oraccelerator pedal.
Depending onthe USB storage device,the follow-
ing problemsmay occur.
! Operations mayvary.
! The storagedevice may not berecognized.
! Files maynot be playedback properly.
! The devicemay generate noisein the radio.
Do notleave the iPod in placeswith high tempera-
To ensureproper operation, connectthe dock con-
nector cablefrom the iPod directly tothis unit.
Firmly securethe iPodwhen driving. Donot let the
iPodfall onto thefloor, where itmay become
jammed underthe brake or acceleratorpedal.
About iPod settings
! When aniPod isconnected, this unitchanges
the EQ(equalizer) setting of theiPod tooff in
order tooptimize the acoustics. Whenyou dis-
connect theiPod, the EQreturns to theoriginal
! You cannot setRepeat to offon the iPod when
using thisunit. Repeat isautomatically
changed toAll when theiPod isconnected to
this unit.
Incompatible textsaved on theiPod willnot be dis-
played bythe unit.
DualDiscs aretwo-sided discs that havea record-
able CDfor audio onone side and arecordable
DVD for videoon the other.
Since theCD side ofDualDiscs is not physically
compatible withthe general CD standard,it may
not bepossible to play theCD side withthis unit.
Frequentloading and ejectingof a DualDiscmay
result inscratches on thedisc. Serious scratches
can leadto playback problemson this unit. In
some cases,a DualDisc may becomestuck in the
disc loadingslot and willnot eject. Toprevent this,
we recommendyou refrain from usingDualDisc
with thisunit.
Please referto the informationfrom the disc man-
ufacturer for more detailedinformation about
Compressed audio
compatibility (disc, USB)
File extension:.wma
Bit rate:48 kbps to 320kbps (CBR), 48kbps to 384
kbps (VBR)
Sampling frequency: 32 kHz,44.1 kHz, 48kHz
Windows MediaAudio Professional,Lossless,
Voice/DRMStream/Stream with video:Not com-
File extension:.mp3
Bit rate:8 kbps to320 kbps (CBR), VBR
Sampling frequency: 8 kHzto 48 kHz(32 kHz, 44.1
kHz, 48kHz for emphasis)
Compatible ID3tag version: 1.0,1.1, 2.2, 2.3, 2.4
(ID3 tagVersion 2.xis given priorityover Version1.
M3u playlist:Not compatible
MP3i (MP3interactive), mp3 PRO:Not compatible
File extension:.wav
Quantization bits:8 and 16 (LPCM),4 (MS
Sampling frequency: 16 kHzto 48 kHz(LPCM),
22.05 kHzand 44.1 kHz (MSADPCM)
Supplemental information
Only thefirst 32 characters canbe displayed asa
file name(including the file extension)or a folder
This unitmay not operatecorrectly depending on
the applicationused to encodeWMA files.
There maybe a slightdelay at the startof playback
of audiofiles embedded withimage data oraudio
files storedon a USBstorage device that hasnu-
merous folderhierarchies.
Playable folderhierarchy: upto eight tiers (Aprac-
tical hierarchyis less thantwo tiers.)
Playable folders:up to 99
Playable files:up to 999
File system:ISO 9660 Level1 and 2,Romeo, Joliet
Multi-session playback:Compatible
Packet write datatransfer: Not compatible
Regardless ofthe length of blanksections be-
tween thesongs from theoriginal recording, com-
pressed audiodiscs play witha short pause
between songs.
USB storage device
Playable folderhierarchy: upto eight tiers (Aprac-
tical hierarchyis less thantwo tiers.)
Playable folders:up to 500
Playable files:up to 15000
Playback ofcopyright-protected files: Notcompati-
Partitioned USB storagedevice: Only thefirst par-
tition canbe played.
There maybe a slightdelay when starting play-
back ofaudio files ona USB storagedevice with
numerous folderhierarchies.
Do not leave discs or a USBstorage device in
any place that is subject to high temperatures.
Additional Information
Additional Information