Basic Operations
Select anXM band.
1 PressBAND/ESC.
! Band canbe selectedfrom XM1,XM2 or
Selecting achannel (stepby step)
1 PushM.C. leftor right.
! If youpush andhold M.C. leftor right,you
can increaseor decreasethe channel number
! You canalso perform tuningfrom adesired
channel category.(Refer toSelecting achan-
nel froma channelcategory on thispage.)
Switching theXM display
1 Pressand hold
Storing and recalling stations
Operations are the same as those of the tuner.
(Refer to Storing and recalling stations on page
Selecting an XM channel directly
When using the optional remote control, you
can select the channel directly by entering the
desired channel number.
1 PressDIRECT.
The channelnumber inputdisplay appears.
2 Press0 to9 toenter thedesired channel number.
! You cancancel theinput numberby pressing
3 PressDIRECT.
The channelof theenterednumber isselected.
! After enteringthe number inputmode, ifyou
do notperforman operation withinabout
eight seconds,the modeis automatically can-
Advanced operations using
special buttons
Selecting thechannel selectmode
1 PressS.Rtrv/SATrepeatedlyto selectthe desired
channel selectsetting.
CH number(channel numberselect setting)—
Category (channelcategory selectsetting)
Function settings
1 Press M.C. to display the main menu.
2 Turn M.C. to change the menu option
and press to select FUNCTION.
3 Turn M.C. to select the function.
After selecting, perform the following proce-
dures to set the function.
CH select(channel selectmode setting)
You havetwo methodsfor selectinga channel: by
number andby category.When selectingby number,
channels inany category canbe selected. Selectby
categoryto narrowyour search downto onlychan-
nels ina particularcategory.
1 PressM.C. todisplay thesetting mode.
2 TurnM.C. toselect the desiredsetting.
CH number(channel numberselect setting)—
Category (channelcategoryselectsetting)
Operation is complete even if the menu is can-
celled before being confirmed.
Selecting a channel from a
channel category
1 Switch the channel select settings to
Refer to Selecting the channel select mode on
this page or CH select (channel select mode
setting) on this page.
Available accessories