
Black plate (37,1)
# The link codeis set to 0000as default. You
can change thiscode in the initialsetting. Refer
to Entering PINcode for Bluetooth wirelesscon-
nection on page80.
Disconnecting a cellular phone
When you are done using your phone with this
unit, you can close the Bluetooth wireless con-
1 Use MULTI-CONTROL to select
Disconnect phone in the function menu.
Device name of the connected phone appears
in the display.
2 Press MULTI-CONTROL to disconnect a
cellular phone from this unit.
After the disconnection is completed,
Disconnected is displayed.
Registering connected
cellular phone
You can register a phone that is temporarily
connected to this unit in order to take full ad-
vantage of the features available with Blue-
tooth wireless technology. A total of five
phones can be registered: three user cellular
phones and two guest phones. When regis-
tered as a user phone, all the possible func-
tions are available for use. When registered as
a guest phone, some functions are limited.
1 Use MULTI-CONTROL to select
Set phone in the function menu.
Set phone appears in the display.
2 Push MULTI-CONTROL up or down to
select a registration assignment.
Each time MULTI-CONTROL is pushed up or
down, the registration assignment is switched
in the following order:
P1 (user phone 1)P2 (user phone 2)P3
(user phone 3)G1 (guest phone 1)G2
(guest phone 2)
# As you selecteach assignment, you cansee
whether or nota phone is alreadyregistered
there. If the assignmentis empty, No datais dis-
played. If theassignment is already taken, the de-
vice name appears.If you want toreplace an
assignment witha new phone, first deletethe
current assignment. For moredetailed instruc-
tions, see Deletinga registered phone on this
# If you need toknow the BD (BluetoothDevice)
address of thephone, push MULTI-CONTROL left
3 Press MULTI-CONTROL to register the
cellular phone to this unit.
When the registration is completed,
Reg. Completed is displayed.
# If the registrationfailed, Reg. ERROR isdis-
played. In thiscase, return to step1 and try
Deleting a registered phone
If you no longer need to use a registered
phone with this unit, you can delete it from the
registration assignment for another phone.
1 Use MULTI-CONTROL to select
Delete phone in the function menu.
Delete phone appears in the display.
Bluetooth Telephone