Black plate (23,1)
! Playback is carriedout in order of file number.
Foldersare skipped if they contain nofiles. (If
folder 01 (ROOT) containsno files, playback
commences with folder02.)
! When playing backfiles recorded as VBR
(variable bit rate)files, the play time will notbe
correctly displayed iffast for ward or reverse
operations are used.
! When playing backMP3 files recorded as VBR
(variable bit rate)files, the bit rate value isnot
displayed even after switching to bitrate.
(VBR will be displayed.)
! When playing backWMA files recorded as
VBR (variable bitrate) files, the average bit
rate value is displayed.
! There is no soundon fast forward or reverse.
! When an MP3/WMA/AAC/WAV discis in-
serted, folder nameautomatically begins to
scroll in the display. When Ever Scroll isset to
ON at the initialsetting, folder name scrolls
continuously. About EverScroll, refer to
Switching the Ever Scroll on page63.
Selecting a track directly in
the current folder
When using the remote control, you can select
a track directly by entering the desired track
1 Press DIRECT.
Track number input display appears.
2 Press 0–9 buttons to enter the desired
track number.
# You cancancel the input number bypressing
3 Press DIRECT.
The track of entered number will play.
After entering the numberinput mode, if you do
not perform an operation within abouteight sec-
onds, the modeis automatically canceled.