Black plate (9,1)
! Pandora service is subjectto change withoutno-
tice. Theservice could beaffected by anyof the
following: firmwareversions of iPhone, firmware
versions ofPandora application, changes tothe
Pandora music service.
! Certain functionsof the Pandora service are not
available whenaccessing the service through the
Pioneercar audio/video products.They include,
but notlimited to thefollowing: creating newsta-
tions, deletingstations, sending information
about currentstations, buying tracks from
iTunes,viewing additional textinformation, log-
ging into Pandora, adjustingCell Network Audio
Pandora internet radio is a music service not af-
filiated with Pioneer. More information is avail-
able at http://www.pandora.com.
The Pandora mobile application is available for
most iPhone and smartphone, please visit
www.pandora.com/everywhere/mobile for the
latest compatibility information.
Starting procedure for iPhone users
1 Connect an iPhone to USB input.
2 Select WIRED in APP CONN. SET. Forde-
tails, refer to APP CONN.SET (APP connect
mode setting) on page 15.
If using DEH-X3600S, proceed to the nextstep.
3 Switch the source to PANDORA.
4 Start up the application on the iPhone
and initiate playback.
Starting procedure for
smartphone users
Only for DEH-X6600BS, DEH-X6600BT, DEH-X66BT
and DEH-X4600BT
1 Connect your smartphone to this unit
using Bluetooth wireless technology.For de-
tails, refer to Connection menuoperation on
page 11.
details, refer to APP CONN.SET (APP connect
mode setting) on page 15.
3 Switch the source to PANDORA.
The smartphone application will start up auto-
matically. If it fails to start, follow the instruc-
tions on the screen to attempt toresolve the
Basic operations
Playing tracks
Fordetails, refer toStarting procedure for iPhone
users onpage 9 orStarting procedure for smart-
phone userson page 9.
Skipping tracks
1 Press d.
Switching the display
Selecting thedesired text information
1 Press DISPto cycle between thefollowing:
! TRACK INFO(station name/track title/ar-
tist name/albumtitle)
! ELAPSED TIME(playback time)
! CLOCK (sourcename and clock)
! SPEANA (spectrumanalyzer)
Depending on the station, text informationcan
be changed.
Selecting and playing the
Shuffle/station list
The display shown on this unit may notbe the
same as that shown on the connected device.
1 Press (list) to switch to the Shuffle/sta-
tion list mode.
2 Use M.C. to select the Shuffle or desired
Changing thesort order
1 Press
! ABC –Youcan sort theitems in the listalpha-
! DATE –Youcan sort the itemsin the listin
order of thedates on whichthe items were
Changing Shuffleor stations
1 TurnM.C.
1 When Shuffle or thestation is selected,press
Deleting stations
1 When station isselected, press and holdM.C.
DELETE YESappears.
Tocancel, press
/DIMMER.Youwill return
to theprevious level.
2 Press M.C.
The stationwill be deleted.
Operations using special buttons
Pausing playback
1 Press 4/PAUSE topause or resume.
Enhancing compressedaudio and restoringrich
sound (soundretriever)
Only forDEH-X3600S
1 Press 3/S.Rtrvto cycle between:
1—2—OFF (off)
1 iseffective for lowcompression rates, and 2
is effectivefor high compressionrates.
Giving aThumbs Down
1 Press 2/
to givea “Thumbs Down”for the
track currentlyplaying and toskip to thenext
Giving aThumbs Up
1 Press 1/
to givea “Thumbs Up” forthe track
currently playing.
Function settings
1 Press M.C. to display the mainmenu.
2 Turn M.C. to change the menu option
and press to select FUNCTION.
3 Turn M.C. to select the function.
Once selected, the following functions can be
BOOKMARK (bookmark)
1 Press M.C. tostore track information.
NEW STATION (newstation)
A newstation will becreated from the information
for theartist or trackof the station currentlybeing
1 Press M.C. todisplay the settingmode.
2 TurnM.C. to selectthe desired setting.
(from artist)
3 Press M.C.
A newstation is created.
! You can alsocreate a newstation from a track
by pressingand holding down5/
! You can alsocreate a newstation from an ar-
tist bypressing and holdingdown 6/
Using this unit
Using this unit