Road shocksmay interrupt disc playback.
Read theprecautions for discs beforeusing them.
Certain functions maynot be availablefor some DVD
video discs.
It maynot be possible toplay back someDVD video
It isnot possible to playback DVD-ROM/DVD-RAM
DVD-R/-RW discs whichhave been recorded withthe
Video Recordingformat (VR mode)can be played
back. However,unfinalized disc may notbe played
back. Unplayable discshould be finalized.In addition,
finalized DVD-R DL(Dual Layer) disccannot be re-
DVD-R DL (DualLayer) discs whichhave been re-
corded with theVideo Recordingformat (VR mode)
can beplayed back. However,this unit is notcompati-
ble withLayer Jump recording mode.
Formore information about recordingmode, please
contact manufacture ofDVD recorder orapplication.
The following logoindicates that thisunit is compati-
ble withDVD-RW discs whichhave been recorded
with theVideo Recording format(VR mode).
This unit isnot compatible withdiscs recorded in
AVCHD (AdvancedVideo Codec HighDefinition) for-
mat. Donot insert AVCHD discs asyou may notbe
able toeject the disc.
External storage device (USB)
Address anyquestions youhave about your external
storage device (USB)to the manufacturerof the de-
Do notleave the external storagedevice (USB) in
places with hightemperatures.
Depending on theexternal storage device(USB), the
following problems mayoccur.
! Operations may vary.
! Thestorage devicemay not berecognized.
! Filesmay notbe played backproperly.
CD-R/CD-RW discs
When CD-R/CD-RW discs areused, playback ispossi-
ble onlyfor discs which havebeen finalized.
Playback ofCD-R/CD-RW discs recordedon a music
CD recorder ora personal computermay not bepos-
sible dueto disc characteristics, scratchesor dirt on
the disc,or dirt, condensation, etc.,on the lensof this
Depending on theapplication settings andthe envir-
onment, playbackof discs recorded ona personal
computer may notbe possible. (For details, contact
the manufacturer ofthe application.)
Playback ofCD-R/CD-RW discs maybecome impossi-
ble incase of directexposure tosunlight, high tem-
peratures, or thestorage conditions inthe vehicle.
Titles andother text information recorded ona CD-R/
CD-RW disc maynot be displayedby this unit (inthe
case of audiodata (CD-DA)).
DualDiscs are two-sideddiscs that have arecordable
CD foraudio on one sideand a recordableDVD for
video onthe other.
Playback of theDVD side ispossible with thisunit.
However, sincethe CD sideof DualDiscs is not physi-
cally compatible withthe general CDstandard, it may
not bepossible to play theCD side withthis unit.
Frequent loading andejecting of aDualDisc may re-
sult in scratcheson the disc.Serious scratches can
lead toplayback problems on thisunit. In some
cases, a DualDisc maybecome stuckin the discload-
ing slotand will not eject.To preventthis, we recom-
mend yourefrain from using DualDiscwith this unit.
Please refer tothe information fromthe disc manu-
facturer for more detailedinformation about Dual-
JPEG picture files
JPEG isshort for Joint PhotographicExperts Group
and refers toa still imagecompression technology
Files arecompatible with Baseline JPEG andEXIF 2.1
still images upto a resolutionof 8 192× 7 680.(EXIF
format is usedmost commonly withdigital still cam-
Playback ofEXIF format files thatwere processed bya
personal computer maynot be possible.
There isno progressive JPEG compatibility.
Additional Information
Additional Information