DJS Ver. 1.600
Playing Sound Using the Fader Start Functions
Cross Fader Start
How to use the Cross Fader Start function is explained here for Player
A. Before conducting the operations below, set a song for Player A
and put it into Pause (Delay) or Cue Standby mode. Move the Cross
Fader to the Player B side (i.e., to the right side).
Click Player A’s [Fader Start] button to display
• Every time you click the [Fader Start] button, it switches
between the modes as follows.
Drag the slider of the [Cross Fader] toward the
Player A side (any position except the right edge).
• Once you start moving the [Cross Fader] toward the
Player A side (any position except the right edge), Player
A immediately starts playing.
Cuing Player A Back
When a cue has been set up for Player A, if you move the [Cross
Fader] to the very bottom (right edge), it returns to the cue point
set for the song on Player A and stands by at that point.
Setting a [CUE]
‘Using the [CUE] button’ P.28